Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The history of Adolf Hitler

NUMBER 8. Adolf  Hitler one the most notorious man in German history, whom also started the devasting World War II. Within this article we will be exploring what happend on september 1,1939  (the start of world war II) shall we begin?

 On April 20th, 1889 the man named Adolf Hitler was born, Hitler had both Austrian and German blood running through his viens. Hitlers rise to fame and power all began the on 1919, Hitler joined the political party know as the NSDAP (known today as the Nazi party). Although NSDAP at  the time a small party but nothing changed Hitler's mind about changing. Soon after joining the party Adolf Hitler was an iconic figure of the party. From speeches to public meetings Hitler has won the hearts of the German public. Hitler was one the most best public speakers of the Nazi party that was one the many reasons why Adolf Hitler became the leader of the NSDAP party.




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